
EcoBlue AWD Nameplate Completion Project

As we all know, since the Dieselgate from VW 2015, the general acceptance of the Diesel engine has dropped, this includes non-cheating diesel engines from vendors other than VW. In Europe, the diesel engine market share has fallen from 71%(2015) to 46%(2019)...

福特 - 原廠vs車主維修能力的考驗 - Mondeo Wagon ST-Line故障噴油嘴三千公里殺死一隻DPF的故事 EcoBlue P2002

本文開始之前, 我在此對大部分福特體系的第一線維修人員, 包含實際拿著工具維修, 實際敲著電腦的接待, 至上無比的敬意, 你們在管理階層以及資方沒有為你們準備好適合的工具以及正確的資訊下, 承受各個受害車主們對你們的敵意, 還要同時盡力在時限內維護好每一台車輛, 實在是難為你們了...