
EcoBlue AWD Nameplate Completion Project

As we all know, since the Dieselgate from VW 2015, the general acceptance of the Diesel engine has dropped, this includes non-cheating diesel engines from vendors other than VW. In Europe, the diesel engine market share has fallen from 71%(2015) to 46%(2019)...

柴油添加劑(柴油精) vs 福特柴油引擎

筆者的 Mondeo ECOBlue 噴油嘴/DPF 查修後篇仍在收集資料撰寫中(上集請看此: 這裡 ) 不過在上集發布於網路後, 福特六和 黃副總-Anderson 邀情小弟至位於台灣桃園中壢的福特六和總廠聊聊天, 於是... 我來打卡啦~~~~~~